Works Cited

ANIMAL WELFARE INSTITUTE CONDEMNS ILLEGAL WHALE HUNT by MAKAH TRIBAL MEMBERS. 10 Sept. 2007.  16 July 2008 <‌news/‌2007/‌AWI_CONDEMNS_ILLEGAL_WHALE_HUNT_BY_MAKAH_TRIBAL_MEMBERS.htm>. this site was very helpful for my third essential question

Chittim, Gary. Makah Whale Hunt Indictments. 9 Jan. 2008.  13 July 2008 <‌archives/‌2007/‌10/‌makah_whale_hun.html>. this site help me answer my third essential question

Erikson, Patricia Pierce. A-Whaling We Will Go: Encounters of Knowledge and Memory at the Makah Cultural and Research Center . 1999.  16 July 2008 <‌pss/‌656545>. this site was very helpful no only was it a book but it was on a web site witch intern helped me with my fourth essential questin

Kay, William. Makah Indian Nation, Neah Bay, Washington.  7 July 2008 <‌neai/‌WA_case_studies/‌Makah_Neah_Bay_WA.pdf>. the web site helped me find answers to essential question four

The Makah Have Killed a Juvenile Gray Whale!  16 July 2008 <‌makah.html>. the site helped me answer my essential question one

The Makah Indian Tribe and Whaling:. 2005. Makah Tribal Council and Makah Whaling Commission.  8 July 2008 <‌makahwhalingqa.pdf>. this web site was very helpful i was able to i was able to get answers for my first essential question

The Makah Whale-Hunt Controversy. 28 Sept. 2007.  16 July 2008 <‌makah.htm>. the site helped me answer my third essential question better

Oldham, Kit. Governor Isaac Stevens Selects Olympia as Capital of Washington Territory on November 28, 1853. 15 Jan. 2003.  21 July 2008 <‌essays/‌output.cfm?file_id=5054>. the web site helped me with essential question four to inform me who Isaac Stevens was

- - -. Makah Whaling. 16 Mar. 2007.  16 July 2008 <‌essays/‌output.cfm?file_id=5301>. the site helped me with my first essential question

- - -. Makah Whaling. 16 Mar. 2007.  16 July 2008 <‌essays/‌output.cfm?file_id=5301>. the site helped me with my second essential question

Raymer, Dr. Gayle Olson. “The Makah: Resistance and Resiliency.” Dr. Gayle Olson-Raymer History 110 Topic: The Original Inhabitants  - What They Lost and What They Retained. 9 June 2000.  16 July 2008 <‌~go1/‌hist110/‌unit1/‌na.html>. i found this site to be very helpful for my fourth essential question

Renker, Ann M. The Makah Tribe: People of the Sea and the Forest.  16 July 2008 <‌aipnw/‌renker.html>. this web site helped me answer my second essential question

Rosenberg, Eric. Makah Tribe Hopes to Renew Whale Hunts. 31 Jan. 2008.  16 July 2008 <‌2008/‌01/‌31/‌makah-tribe-hopes-to-renew-whale-hunts/‌521>. this web site helped me with my second essential question

Suttles, Wayne, and William C Sturtevant. Handbook of North American Indians. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1990. this book was very useful i was able to find 8 pages on the makah’s life style, languages, tool used, traditions, and much more

Treaty of Neah Bay, 1855.  1 July 2008 <‌essays/‌output.cfm?file_id=2632>. this was a great web sit it told me exactly what the agreement was for the treaty and answered my essential question four

Treaty of Neah Bay, 1855. 2007.  30 June 2008 <‌essays/‌printer_friendly/‌index.cfm?file_id=2632>. this web site helped me answer my fourth essential question because it had the exat words from the treaty

Woods, Fronda. Who’s In Charge of Fishing?  16 July 2008 <‌journals/‌ohq/‌106.3/‌woods.html>. this site has helped me answer my essential question four

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